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What is a LAC Review?

Grandparent and grandchild hands holding

A Looked After Child review, sometimes called a CLA review, is a meeting that takes place with social services when you have become a child looked after by the local authority. i.e. that you are living in accommodation provided by the local authority.

Its purpose is to review the arrangements for a young person in their care.

When do they take place?

A LAC review can take place in a few situations:

  • When you have signed a Section 20 (sometimes known as ‘voluntary’ care)
  • Under an Interim Care Order- during court proceedings
  • Under a Care Order- when court proceedings have finished.

A care order (including interim) gives the local authority parental responsibility for that young person.

When a child first becomes Looked After a review should take place after the first month then again after 3 months. After that, it is a Local Authority’s responsibility to review a child’s care plan every 6 Months, to make sure the child is happy, healthy and making progress.

Who attends?

  • Your child, if they are old enough to understand what is happening and able to join in.
  • Anyone with parental responsibility for your child.
  • Your child’s Social Worker
  • Your child’s carer or residential worker.
  • IRO- Independent reviewing officer

Who is the IRO?

It is the Job of the IRO- Independent reviewing officer, to monitor the Local Authority and make sure they are doing what they need to for your child. They are there to make sure the plans for your child are detailed and effective. They are there to help make sure any plans made for your child will benefit them.

Sometimes other professionals involved with the care of your child attend LAC Reviews to help with specific issues that needed to be looked at. This can include teachers or health visitors.

What gets discussed?

Everyone attending the review is there to discuss the day to day care of your child. That includes, health, education, and emotional wellbeing.

You may discuss:

  • The impact or progress of any changes made since the last review.
  • Contact arrangements- whether they are going well or if anything needs to be changed.
  • Your child’s progress at school- Whether they are doing well, or they need any more help.
  • Your child’s health- Are there any health concerns? Do they need to attend any appointments?
  • Your child’s interests and activities- are they enjoying their hobbies? Do they need help to get to and from their activities?
  • Where your child lives and whether that might need to change. This will include whether they can come home if they are living somewhere else

These are just a few examples of what might be discussed at a LAC review.  Every family’s situation is different, and the areas of discussion will vary.

When should I seek solicitor’s advice?

If you are worried about any of the things that have been talked about in the meeting for example changes to contact arrangements and aren’t sure what you can do about it, we may be able to assist.

You can find out if you are eligible for Legal Aid here:

Alternatively, one of our team members will be able to check this for you and talk you through the information we need to obtain Legal Aid on your behalf.