Morecrofts’ first ‘office car boot sale’ has raised £281 for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity.
Jewellery, bath soak, baby toys and cake were just some of the items that staff from Morecrofts’ Liverpool, Birkenhead, Allerton and Woolton offices donated to help raise funds for the Wirral based charity.
Staff were also invited to take part in a dress-down day and join in a raffle, with prizes including a meal for four at The Yacht Club, a meal for two at Trattoria 51, shopping vouchers and a even a pair of pure silk pyjamas.
Alison Lobb, managing partner said: “We wanted to do something a little bit different and thought an office car boot sale was just that.
“We were bowled over with how generous our staff, visitors and clients were, not only in terms of donating lots of new and nearly new items to sell but by digging deep and spending up too. It’s a tremendous effort for a truly worthy cause.”